Your partner for the lining of carbon black reactors up to 2,300 C
Zircoa bricks and cast shapes made of zirconium oxide
Zirkonia Bricks
for quick build-up
Individual Parts
for complex shapes
Wir supply to this industry
for 15+ years
Large selection of Materials and Sizes
You want to get more out of your reactor?
Yield Increase
Temperatures > 2100 C
Higher Efficiency
long life time at high temperatures
Higher Quality Products
Specialty Carbon's
We have the resources and experience to fulfill your requirements
We focus our mission to fulfill your needs
Deliver What Matters
Leading companies around the world trust us
and this is how you reach your goal:
Your path to more Profit
Step 1
Needs analysis including
heat transfer calculation
Step 2
Delivery and Installation
Step 3
in a class of its own